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It is January and soon I will celebrate another turn around the sun, and a teeny, tiny bit of a turn around the galactic core, so slight a movement in comparison mathematicians wouldn’t even consider it a differential. Should you live free of light pollution, take a gaze skyward any night that’s full of stars. The hazy object running through the celestial equator is our galaxy, the Milky Way, what some cultures call The Great River (want a thrill? Ask Dharghie if she’ll let DingoMan take you for a ride in his canoe), others The Blue Path, and still others The Ancestors’ Fire.
Look along that haze until you see a slight bulge, a quiet brightness in the direction of Sagittarius. That is the Milky Way’s center, our galactic center, and what astronomers call its barycenter, the “point” around which our galaxy rotates.
It is also where we – us, all other life on our planet, our neighbor planets, our sun, all other galactic suns and their planets, nebulae, and all else – come from. It is our birthplace years ago beyond counting, and I long to return home.
PS) You can read more about different cultures’ celestial stories in The Shaman.
I mentioned last month these newsletters’ new formatting is thanks to Sister Rika Chandra, who also wrote a wonderful author biography for me. Do reach out to her for help with such matters.
I’m still thinking of redoing my website and could use any suggestions you might have.
Continue reading “A Twelfth of Carrabis (Jan 2025 Newsletter)”