Hey! You Know What? I’m one of 30 Amazing Authors! It Says So Right On the Cover!

“The Magic Tassels” is in The Write Festival’s Fantastic Stories Anthology

This is one of those fantastic times when an editor contacts you and asks you to submit a story to a festival.

“Are you saying I’ll win?”

No, the editor wasn’t. The editor was asking me to submit a story to a festival.

Because she likes my work and believed it’d be a nice fit.

“Are you one of the judges?”


So what the heck, go for it!

I submitted The Magic Tassels thinking I didn’t have a chance.

Turns out I did.

I received an email that my work was shortlisted.

Then I received an email that it was going to be published.

And you know what?

I’m so glad!


Want to know the story behind the story?
Long ago I studied cultural anthropology/behavioral psychology specifically with indigenous communities and as a participant/observer.

Part of that participant/observerness meant learning what they wanted to teach me. One thing I learned is that there are twelve disciplines (that I know of) within most Shamanic Communities regardless of their location, environment, …

One such discipline is that of StoryKeeper and another is StoryTeller. People confuse the two and StoryKeeping is a different discipline from StoryTelling. Both are extremely important to the people.

StoryTelling is the use of traditional mythologies and related cultural metaphors to guide the people, heal the tribe, remind, teach, et cetera. If you’ve ever been with someone who could hold your attention, cause your imagination to fire, make your heart pound and breath come in gasps while they told a story, you’ve been with someone who, in traditional cultures, would be the people’s StoryTeller. StoryTeller disciplines appear in modern societies as everything from stand-up comics to psychotherapists to engaging lecturers to (ahem) authors.

StoryKeepers and StoryTellers may share a few stories in common and that’s where the similarity ends. StoryKeepers are the living histories of their people. StoryTellers will create new stories based on need, StoryKeepers can’t with a few specific exceptions.

StoryKeepers’ role is to preserve the history, unchanged, from generation to generation while adding each generation’s story to the history of the people. It is no small task and various cultures have methods for developing a memory that blends synaesthetic recall (think “full sensory eiditic memory”) with hyperthymesia, et cetera. Modern studies have shown that these methods make use of neuroplasticity to a high degree and people trained in such disciplines have described “feeling” their brains making new connections.

One thing required of all StoryKeepers is that they create a story that tells of their coming into the tradition. So the two occasions when StoryKeepers add to the people’s history are when they add their own story to the tribe’s tradition and as new historical elements are added (usually with agreement of the people).

“The Magic Tassels” was my addition to one culture’s history when they asked me to become a StoryKeeper of their people.

I dun ben edgjakaytid

[Note: This post originally appeared on the An Economy of Meaning blog on 1 Sept 2010 about 11amET as part of a series on education (and I got the lead post). I’m reposting it here because

  1. My education came up in a conversation with a friend during a recent lunch.
  2. It’s mentioned in my Clancy Tucker Interview.
  3. And again today during a weekly pub crawl with my fellow Harveys.]

I dun be smartThis month’s CAS theme is education. I get the lead post. Oh, if only what I had to offer was that a simple assignment of paper — the proverbial sheepskin — bestowed such a thing.

And we are all aware that an education has nothing to do with ability, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, …, yes?

For those who don’t follow my various writings, herewith an overview of previous briefs on education (let me know if you want to see the full posts. If enough ask for them, I’ll dig them out and publish them):
Continue reading “I dun ben edgjakaytid”

Amazing Experience Today

My gym recently reopened (limited) and I made a dash to start my workouts (usually an hour on the stairs, an hour with weights).

So there I am, doing the stairs, listening to my music, reading my book (always read while doing the stairs. Some of my best reading is done there. Also work out plots, figure out characters, scenes, come up with new ideas, …), and sweating.

And this fellow comes up and stands off to the side.



“Joe Carrabis?”

I nodded. He was talking through a mask so I pulled out one earbud to hear him clearly.

“I bought your book.”

The other earbud came out. I stopped the stairclimber. What book?

The Augmented Man.”

What did you think?

“I haven’t finished it yet but it’s amazing so far.”

How come you didn’t finish it?

“I had to read another book for class. But my mother picked it up and read it in one night. She said it’s incredible.”

(blush) Thanks. I hope you get back to it soon. And tell your mom to leave a review. You, too, please.

“I’ll let her know. It’s an amazing book. I really love what I’ve read so far.”

Thanks. (blush) I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Bring it in and I’ll sign it for you.

“That’d be super. Will do. Thanks.”

Yeah, it made my day.


Lunarian Press Interviews Me!

I always rejoice when my peers think well of me. Being interviewed is (to me) and indication someone appreciates me and what I do.

Or doesn’t and wants to keep me away from the keyboard so none will suffer.

One must consider all possibilities, you know.

In any case, Lunarian Press interviewed me and it’s up and live.

Please take a look, leave a comment, have a go, have at it, and let us know what you think.


Daniel Oliver Late Last Night Booked Me

Author Daniel Oliver read my The Augmented Man novel and was so impressed he asked to interview me for his blog.

Have you seen his Late Last Night Books blog? He co authors there with several notables, Lily Iona Mackenzie (who I interviewed a while back) for one.

And if that’s not enough, take a gander at who they’re interviewing.

And they want me?

My thanks to Daniel Oliver and the rest of the Late Last Night Books folks.

You can read my interview here. Be sure to leave a comment when you do.