Paul Kane’s ‘The White Lady’ in WordCrafter Press’ Midnight Roost Anthology

I asked fellow Midnight Roost anthology contributors to share some things about themselves prior to publication and those generous enough to do so will be appearing here for the next week or so.

Each entry gives a taste of their contribution, a little about them, how to contact them, how their story came about, and definitely a link to Midnight Roost (which you should purchase because it would make each and every one of us happy.
you do want to make us happy, don’t you?
i mean, considering what we wrote, you want us to know you’re a good person, right?).

Let’s start with a Hallowe’en-themed introduction to the anthology as a whole:

Paul’s contribution is The White Lady. Here’s the opening:

It had been a stroke of luck to find The White Lady.
The White Lady in a whiteout. A sudden blizzard that had appeared out of nowhere, forcing him off the road. Behind him, at his back in the rear-view mirror, practically chasing him. Visibility had dropped to nothing, conditions treacherous even after he slowed down, something he’d been reluctant to do. Which explained why he’d skidded and ended up veering sideways into that ditch. Why he’d had to eventually abandon the BMW, its tyres spinning uselessly like Wile E. Coyote’s legs off the side of a cliff. Everyone knew that those kinds of cars were hopeless in the snow, but then there wasn’t supposed to be any snow, was there?

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Rob and Joan Carter’s MEET THE AUTHOR interview Snippet 4 – Current Titles

I mentioned Rob and John Carter and I chatting on their MEET THE AUTHOR show in previous blog posts.

This post is the fourth in a series of thirteen snippets taken from the full interview video. You can also listen to the interview via podcast

Today’s snippet deals with my currently available titles (both wholly mine, anthologies I appear in, fiction and non-fiction).

I mean, that’s what’s happened with The Alibi, and that’s turning into one heck of a piece.



Gel, Ink, and Rollerball – Genetics

I wrote in Principles about my interview with Katie Koestner and Claire Kaplan.

That interview is live at Gel, Ink, and Rollerball.

For people who want to know the source material for The Augmented Man, The Settlement, Recovery Triptych, and much more of my work, here’s your chance.

I’m posting several excerpts over the coming days. Previous excerpts in order are:

Today’s excerpt closes this thread and making decisions where you will go in your life, that you’re imprisoned by neither your heredity nor your past.



Gel, Ink, and Rollerball – You’re not a monster

I wrote in Principles about my interview with Katie Koestner and Claire Kaplan.

That interview is live at Gel, Ink, and Rollerball.

For people who want to know the source material for The Augmented Man, The Settlement, Recovery Triptych, and much more of my work, here’s your chance.

I’m posting several excerpts over the coming days. Previous excerpts in order are:

Today’s excerpt shares the second of two turning points which helped me reframe my life from victim to survivor to person, and which led me to help others.



Gel, Ink, and Rollerball – Don’t you think I want to be well?

I wrote in Principles about my interview with Katie Koestner and Claire Kaplan.

That interview is live at Gel, Ink, and Rollerball.

For people who want to know the source material for The Augmented Man, The Settlement, Recovery Triptych, and much more of my work, here’s your chance.

I’m posting several excerpts over the coming days. Previous excerpts in order are:

Today’s excerpt shares the first of two turning points which helped me reframe my life from victim to survivor to person, and which led me to help others.
