
We suspect Reginald and Regina have been doing the dirty.

Funny that humans – modern humans, anyway – put such boundaries on a natural, necessary activity.

If it weren’t for all life being designed to pass its essence forward, you wouldn’t be reading this, I wouldn’t be writing this, trump would never have become president, Shakespeare would never have written anything, there’d be no need for Jesus, and Buddha would never have achieved enlightenment.

Bummer, huh?

Keep on humpin’, I say! Yeah!

It is a pity (me thinks) that modern, western traditions consider sexual activity negative. At least open, public displays of sexual activity.

To a certain extent, I agree. Two (or more) people performing The Beast with Two (or more) Backs is not visually appealing (to me, anyway). Courting can be beautiful, the aftermath not so much so.

And of course, that’s also part of the western tradition showing itself.

So until we Two-Legs learn to appreciate the natural, let us sit back and enjoy Rablets.


Rabbits Love Yes

You may not know this; Rabbits love Yes.

Not hearing the word, the epic rock group.

We, of course, did not find this fascinating as we’ve been well aware wildlife has excellent musical taste for years.

I mean, Tales from Topographic Oceans? Your Move? RoundAbout?


WildLife, The Old Ones, also love Queen, ELP, Cream, Moody Blues, …

Hey, who wouldn’t?

I mean, C’mon!


Kits Galore


Can’t get enough of them.

Can’t get enough of any wildlife, really.

Except perhaps ticks.

Which is a pity, you know? I mean, ticks are just doing what they’re designed to do, and if you believe everything has a purpose, ticks are suppose to be here.

Ever wonder what the world would be like if there weren’t ticks?

What would fill their niche?

What did Nature pass by because ticks were a better fit?

Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Makes me wonder, anyway.

And in the meantime, enjoy some kits.


Mystery Rabbit #5. Or 6. We’re not sure

Ah, rabbits.

If you have one, you have a hundred of them.

Or five or six.

We’re not sure.

We recognize most of the rabbits who visit us.

Some we know frequent us and don’t know their names.

This little beauty, for example.

We’re not even sure if we’ve seen her before or if she’s a completely new visitor, never before seen.

Keeps it interesting, don’t you think?


Where do they get these names?

Naming children.

Do parents ever wonder how their children might turn out if given different names?

The cultures I studied gave people new names often, and always with a reason.

For example, I was given a new name when I entered seminary, then another new name when I studied with a west coast peoples, another name when I studied with plains people, a name when I studied with the Celts, …

And my parents had several names for me, based on my behavior.

Raccoons, we’ve noticed, give their children fascinating names.

We wonder where they get them.

Is there a book of raccoon names?

Probably not. Much of The Wild has similar naming tendencies.

I’m sure there’s a book they all use.

I’d like to see it someday.

If only to learn what my real name is.