Change (which is constant) and Managing the Work-Life Balance now on BizCatalyst360

It’s nice to be respected by one’s peers.

Which is an interesting formulaic.

Are “they” your peers if they don’t respect you?

One wonders what they and you are known for…

In any case, Dennis Pitocco and BizCatalyst360 published Change (which is constant) and Managing the Work-Life Balance, one of the chapters in my soon-to-be-released The Think You Do.

You can also find it here.

Where’ere you find it, enjoy.

And appreciate your balance.

“Disconnection from the 5 Love Languages” now on BizCatalyst360

I wrote in Blogging on BizCatalyst360 that Dennis Pitocco and the kind folks at BizCatalyst360 invited me to write the occasional thought-piece for them, that I’m happy to oblige, and that they’ve also given me the go-ahead for an Artists in Discussion videocast (I sent out emails to everyone interested and will follow up some time this week).

Most recently BizCatalyst360 published Disconnection from the 5 Love Languages, a piece about how we build relationships and specifically about making an outsider welcome when they join an existing, established group.

And as before, you can keep up with my BizCatalyst360 posts at Joseph Carrabis on BizCatalyst360.

As always, let us know what you think, and thanks.

Blogging on BizCatalyst360

Dennis Pitocco and the kind folks at BizCatalyst360 have invited me to write the occasional thought-piece for them.

Happy to oblige.

They’ve also given me the go-ahead for an Artists in Discussion videocast.

Artists in Discussion episodes will consist of five people on a Zoom video chat (and someday in person at conferences and such). I’ll serve as moderator with four guests drawn from all creative disciplines.

The theme will be discussions on how our art shaped our lives, how our lives shaped our art. Obviously, survivor issues play a role in such a discussion for many artists regardless of their medium. The tag line “How our art shaped our lives, how our lives shaped our art” is strong to me because it can be personal, cultural, and every place in between. Does culture drive art or does art drive culture? What function does our choice of medium serve? And as different mediums become available, does art change to meet the new mediums? I plan on open, uncensored discussions on all topics affecting our lives and existence.

So far I’ve posted Combating Evil With Good and What if Today is The Day You Make Oceans?, both reprints from other blogs and available elsewhere. More to follow as time allows.

Meanwhile, you can keep up with my BizCatalyst360 posts at Joseph Carrabis on BizCatalyst360.

As always, let us know what you think, and thanks.

From the Casebook of Ima Flush, HDP Certified Space Plumber, Quadrant 6E now in Harvey Duckman Present V9

Yes, it’s true…the long awaited and no longer a special plumber’s issue of Harvey Duckman (Volume 9) is now available for your reading pleasure.

Many writers contributed (including Peter James @Brennan_and_Riz Martin, Kate @KateBaucherel Baucherel, Liz @LizTuckwell1 Tuckwell, Robin @robinmoonwrites Moon, Will @will_nett Nett, Mark @DarrackMark Hayes, A L @ALBuxton2 Buxton, and Craig @CKRoebuck Roebuck). My offering is From the Casebook of Ima Flush, HDP Certified Space Plumber, Quadrant 6E.

This story has a strange history.

But then again, what story of mine doesn’t?

The special plumbers issue – which this story was written for – never came about. Kind of. The issue had been talked about for several years. It was on again off again and the seesawing (frankly) became tiring. I hadn’t written anything for it yet so no worries.

Then I drove to a master telescope maker to have our telescope repaired (it’s a beautiful Schmidt–Cassegrain I originally purchased back in the 1990s to learn astral-photography. finally getting back into it). I’m driving along and listening to music (must listen to music) when the protagonist, Ima Flush, appeared in front of me.

Naturally, I swerved.

After people stopped honking their horns and getting back on the highway, I listened to what Ima told me.

Even had to turn down the music. A bit.

Turns out Ima likes classic rock, too!

She had an amazing story to tell.

Here…let me share just the title. I thought Ima was changing her mind. No, she was sharing her genesis with me.

And an amazing genesis it is…

“From the Casebook of Ima Flush, HDP Certified Space Plumber, Quadrant 6E”

[no, that was true when we started, not any more]

“Choices made Manifest Through Self-Awareness”?

[too wordy and obscure]

“The Opening of Ima Flush”?

[no, nobody’ll remember the reference]

“The Silver Ring”?

[no, ditto… ah, I have it. how about…?]

Breaking Through

(Yes! That’s it!)

Hope you enjoy.

What I learned about myself by looking at a picture

Pictures are mirrors. Today I didn’t like what I saw.

There are two pictures here. Scroll down to see the second.

I hope, should there be a lesson for you in this, it is neither as painful nor as necessary as mine.

Take a moment to answer the question in the first picture.

Give yourself time. Go wild with it. Explore it.

Exhausted yourself?

Scroll down and let me know your response to the answer.

And thanks.
Continue reading “What I learned about myself by looking at a picture”