Joseph Carrabis signs and discusses The Augmented Man at The Barnes&Noble in Nashua, NH

I keep on keeping on.

The good folks at the Nashua, NH, Barnes&Noble bookstore invited me to do a book signing on Saturday November 23, 2019 2:00 PM.

Please attend. I’ll be so lonely otherwise…

A bit about The Augmented Man
The US Military concedes that any kind of combat leaves soldiers psychologically damaged and makes reintegration to society difficult.

The solution is to find individuals who are already so psychologically damaged the most horrendous combat experience will seem trivial by comparison. Better, find individuals psychologically damaged who’ve also experienced massive physical insult and trauma. Best, individuals psychologically damaged, physically traumatized, and emotionally vacant.

But where to find such individuals?

Captain James Donaldson suggests using massively abused and traumatized children as the basis, arguing “…they’ve already experienced more at home than they’ll ever experience in the field. All we need to is help their bodies catch up to where their psyches and emotions already are.

Nine individuals are selected for Augmentation and entered into combat.

One survives.

And comes home.

I recently took part in an authors’ reading and used the Surface section of The Augmented Man as my text.

One of the other author’s partners said, “I’m uncomfortable with your subject, but your writing pulled me right into the story.”

YES! Thank you, that’s what it’s all about.

To me.

When the power of the writing overcomes the reader’s objections to the story’s content, take a moment and be proud. You’ve done good work.

About me
You can find out more than you need to know at my About page.


Hey Joe! Tell us a little about yourself.
I consider myself boring and dull.

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?

It starts with “Not only is Joseph Carrabis a fellow Black Rose Writing and Book Fiends author friend, he’s an amazingly nice and generous guy. I am looking forward to meeting him in person in November, but right now you can get to know him a little better with my next World-building Showcase interview.”

The Mighty Phoebes (Steampunk author Phoebe Darqueling, for those who don’t know) asked me lots of questions, I fumbled through several answers.

The real kicker is where I wrote “I’m told that my work is so tightly written that it’s tough to remove stuff without throwing everything else out of whack.”

The Mighty Phoebes, proving the lie, pulled about four pages from my responses and you’d never know.

The Mighty Phoebes is a Mighty Editor, she.

Take a read, hope you enjoy, be sure to leave comments. She’ll like that.

Discover new local authors! – Especially Joseph Carrabis! – in Concord NH Tuesday, November 12th, 2019, 6 p.m.

He loves being discovered!

Visit Gibson’s Bookstore to hear from a group of local authors, drawn from a wide range of genres. This evening we’ve got jazz mystery, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic tales!

Gibson’s Bookstore
Tuesday 12 November 2019 6-9pmET
45 South Main Street
Concord, NH 03301

Joseph Carrabis presents The Augmented Man, a sci-fi novel asking the question, what do you do with a deadly weapon when it’s no longer needed?

Nicholas Trailer is the last of The Augmented Men, beings created first by society and completed by a political group the public can’t even imagine exists. Captain James Donaldson takes severely abused and traumatized children and modifies them into monsters capable of the most horrifying deeds without feeling any remorse or regret.

But the horrors of war never stay on the battlefield. They always come home.

Something to do with your royalties

Doesn’t matter the amount, only the helping

A Facebook friend sent me a post about Gary Sinise’s Foundation. I heard of it and knew nothing about except that it helps veterans and anything helping veterans gets a nod from me, so I reposted it to my timeline.

Another friend picked up the post on my timeline and encouraged me to investigate.

I did, and was in tears.

Susan and I decided to donate a portion of The Augmented Man‘s royalties to Gary Sinise’s Foundation. After all, the book deals with PTSD and recovering from trauma, Sinise’s foundation helps veterans overcome such ordeals, duh!, huh?

In a section we pulled from The Augmented Man and will use in the sequel is the line

To our Brothers-In-Arms:
Those we’ve forgotten
and those we’ve tried to forget.

and in The Augmented Man‘s marketing material is the line “…the horrors of war never stay on the battlefield. They always come home.”

Anyone who’s experienced combat – real you’re-gonna-die combat – wants peace and rest. That’s what The Augmented Man is about.

So we’re giving part of our proceeds from the book in tribute to those who’re part of the story.

A Challenge to Other Authors
I’m told nobody starting out authoring today is going to get rich from it. I hope that’s not the case. There are some benefits to being rich. Detriments, too, I’m sure. I’ll let you know when I get there.

But I’m challenging other authors: Does your book deal with a social/cultural issue? Does your book’s story deal with people and/or animals suffering and demonstrate ways out?

Then make it real and help make it happen.

Donate part of your royalties to those who suffer.

Heck, even if your book’s not about such stuff, donate part of your royalties to making the world better for others.

I mean, you’re not going to get rich, right? Might as well do something with the few sheckles your making beyond supersizing those fries, right?


Joseph Carrabis Signing and Reading The Augmented Man 17 Oct at the Nashua, NH, BookCellar

That Augmented Man…he sure gets around…

Come join the fun!

Thursday, October 17th, 6:00pm at the

34 Northwest Blvd
(in the Westside Plaza on 101A / Amherst St, next to Marshalls)
Nashua, NH 03063
(603) 881-5570

Local author, Joseph Carrabis, will read from his novel, The Augmented Man, answer questions, and sign copies!

What do you do with a deadly weapon when it's no longer needed?
Nicholas Trailer is the last of The Augmented Men, beings created first by society and completed by a political group the public can't even imagine exists. Captain James Donaldson takes severely abused and traumatized children and modifies them into monsters capable of the most horrifying deeds without feeling any remorse or regret.

But the horrors of war never stay on the battlefield. They always come home.