Coyote are Cautious

I mentioned last week coyote are clever.

This week we learn they are also cautious.

With good reason, me thinks. They are misunderstood and misunderstanding’s denmate is caution, its cousin is fear.

How many times have you not been sure of something and chosen caution as the default mechanism?

Take a look at any government’s plans for an alien attack (what? you’re surprised such things really exist?) and you’ll see movies, novels, TV and radio dramas go mild in the response area. If you’ve never heard of “If I can’t have you then nobody can” as a dating strategy, check out these plans.

Can you say Scorched Earth?

Governments learned by observing their own colonizing endgames, me thinks. It use to be said, “Better dead than Red.” Seems to be their current thinking, as well.

So caution is the wisest move in the short term. Until proven otherwise.

Have you ever had the opportunity to win the confidence of The Wild?

It takes time. Lots of time.

And it’s worth it.

The Old Ones…they remember.


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