Joanell Serra’s The Vines We Planted is August Pick for Latino Book of the Month Club!

Joanell Serra’s The Vines We Planted Success Story!

Joanell Serra going bareback in wine countryThis just in from The Vines We Planted author Joanell Serra:

Hi Everyone!
It’s a hot August day in California. (90 here in Sonoma today. Yikes!)

I’ll give you my news quickly so I can get back in the pool!

The Vines We Planted has been chosen for the Latino Book of the Month Club for August.

I am so honored and excited to participate. (I could insert a video here of my happy dance when I found out, to the song “my vida loca” but I just won’t do that to you all.)
Continue reading “Joanell Serra’s The Vines We Planted is August Pick for Latino Book of the Month Club!”

Hecate and The Munching Wallendas

Table for five, please.

Remember Hecate? Remember her kits?

There are few things as joyful as entertaining a troop of raccoons. One year we had four mothers and their kits, nineteen racoons in all, in our backyard.

It was wonderful.

We still have near nightly munchings in our backyard. Sometimes we have late afternoon munchings. Hecate always comes first and most forward, although as the kits mature they get bolder. None have walked over my feet or nibbled my toes yet and there’s still time.

You may also remember Beryl. I mentioned that we probably also had a Berylia. I thought I’d seen Berylia. There was a rabbit that seemed slightly smaller than Beryl but such evidence is hearsay and not admissible in court.

Yesterday afternoon, when I went out to feed Hecate and her kits – their names, by the way; Festus, Jules, Verne and ‘Tricia (not an abbreviation of Patricia, simply ‘Tricia, thank you, please) I saw Berylia and Beryl. No videos yet. Hecate took exception to their munching clover while her kits were close by.

So it goes. The joys of motherhood.

You never know, though…they might be wascally wabbits.

Joseph Lewis – Teens, Drugs, and Gangs, O’ My!

You don’t want to be in this man’s detention

Joseph LewisHello all and welcome to our continuing series of author interviews.

Today’s guest is thriller author and high school principal Joseph Lewis and if that combination doesn’t make you wonder about today’s high schools, nothing will.

I’d like everyone to stand up and give Joseph Lewis a big round of applause for taking part in our exciting adventure.
Continue reading “Joseph Lewis – Teens, Drugs, and Gangs, O’ My!”

Characters Part 5 – Stage Direction Characters

They came, they saw, the did nothing else. They’re stage direction.

The last character to define is the one who only comes on stage once, isn’t really acknowledged by any other character and never shows up again. That’s a stage direction character.

Do they show up once and never again?

The children pulled back when Tommy picked up the…”
Most readers who read the above want to know what Tommy picked up. The reason some of you want to know what Tommy picked up is because “The children pulled back” and humans, because of the way we’re designed, want to know what’s causing defensive reactions (pulling back is a defensive, flight based reaction).

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My First Book Fair/Authors’ Expo – Part 1

I A/B tested my poster and sold more books with version B…

This thread will be four to five posts long and will focus on marketing with occasional forays into related topics. Know now that I don’t think I’m qualified to write on such. Read my LinkedIn profile and you’ll see that lots of others consider me extremely qualified; I’ve written peer reviewed articles on marketing, published books on marketing, created marketing technologies, developed marketing strategies for recognizable brands, …
But I know my limits. I’m not qualified.
Then again, nobody who claims they are is.

Last week I attended my first “authors’ expo”.

Greetings! I’m your friendly, neighborhood Threshold Guardian. This is a protected post. Protected posts in the My Work, Marketing, and StoryCrafting categories require a subscription (starting at 1$US/month) to access. Protected posts outside those categories require a General (free) membership.
Members and Subscribers can LogIn. Non members can join. Non-protected posts (there are several) are available to everyone.
Want to learn more about why I use a subscription model? Read More ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes Enjoy!