Rachel, Above the Clouds – Now on Across the Margin

The terrible thing about sunlight is it shows the dirt. – Brigid Berlin

Across the Margin has published my first work of fiction in…a long time. The story deals with relationships and betrayal.

A short story where a heartache that shirked in the shadows comes to light…

Please feel free to congratulate me.

Below is a teaser. Please head over to Across the Margin to read the whole piece (it’s a quick read. About 1,200 words).

Joseph Carrabis' 'Rachel, Above the Clouds' on Across the Margin

SolarMax Ten to Houston, come in please.”
“This is Houston. Go ahead, SolarMax.”
“Ted, you feeling okay today? You sound awfully froggy.”
“Guess again, Rachel.”
“Benny? Is that you?”
“It is indeed. Hi Rachel, long time no hear.”
“What are you doing riding bridesmaid, Benny? I heard that you’d gone civ.”
“I have, I have. Mission Control said the last few days had been rough on you and thought you’d like to hear a familiar voice on your last morning up.”

Hope you like it. Let me know.

Blog members can read the original version here.

Danielle Duncan/Indigo Skye/Dani Skye – Feeling Good with a Glass of Muscato

From Cuss Words to Shocking Subtlety with Danielle Duncan/Dani Skye

St. Louis Poet and Spoken Word Artist Danielle DuncanHello Watchers and Listeners and welcome to another Northern Lights’ Books’ Author Interview Plunge.

Today is another first for us; we’re talking with Spoken Word Artist, Stage Performer and Poet Danielle Duncan who performs under the stage name Dani Skye. Danielle/Dani is not our first poet and she’s a triple threat none-the-less.

If I want to do something I’m going to find the time to do it

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Daniel Rundquist – Where Cowboy Gold and Philosophy Meet

Can hope for America’s Future be found in the Old West’s morality?

Western and Government Philosophy Author Dan RundquistHello all and welcome to our continuing series of author interviews. Today’s guest, Daniel Rundquist brings an interesting and richly historic bled of writing; Western and Political Philosophy. Please give Daniel a big round of applause for taking part in our exciting adventure.

It was a long, often lonely road to take – when you realize that your nation is doomed and then play detective to find out why.

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The Complete Eventing Yourself Arc

Originally published in Feb 2007… I think as a cave drawing (it was so-o-o long ago!)

Note: This was originally a) a five part arc b) on the ancient BizMediaScience blog. We condensed it to a single entry on the second generation BizMediaScience blog and are resurrecting it here because it’s referenced in Writers’ Groups – Introduction

Eventing Yourself, Part 1

I enjoy Brad Berens’ Mediavorous blog because, well, he’s Brad Berens and Brad often makes me think and I enjoy that experience. Often Brad and I think about the same things from different paradigms. He recently posted “The Perils of the Pause Button”. That title may be misleading because what Brad’s really right about is eventness, “…seeing stories — films, plays, TV shows — with other people.” Brad has more than one post on this and they’re worth a read.
Continue reading “The Complete Eventing Yourself Arc”

David Knight – The Truth of You Is Closer Than You Think

Can you see the Light? Spiritual Author and Guide David Knight can.

Spiritual Development and Healing Circle Author David KnightHello all and welcome to our continuing series of author interviews. I’d like everyone to stand up and give David Knight a big round of applause for taking part in our exciting adventure.

Today’s topic is exactly that; exciting adventures. David and I will be talking about his work and studies as a spiritual seeker and the books he’s written to help others in their spiritual pursuits.

You can only learn to the level you’ve reached

Continue reading “David Knight – The Truth of You Is Closer Than You Think”