This Year’s Kits (okay, Kit. Singular)

As happens, things continue.

Case in point, the next generation of raccoons. Here we see one kit, sometimes referred to as a raccoonlit, and briefly. Future videos reveal Hyacinthe’s proclivity.

But for now, a bold one.

Who quickly shies away.

I remember Rocky telling her kits, “It’s a Two-Legger. He’s okay, but don’t let him touch you. No idea where his hands have been.”



More Chester aka Chestette aka The Mighty Ches

I mentioned Chester previously.

I mention here that we don’t know if Chester is actually a Chestette. Since shooting this video, Chestette has introduced us to her kits (we share in upcoming videos) so we’re sure Chester has transed, and more due to our ignorance than anything on Ches’ part.

But isn’t that most often the way? Our own ignorance causes more problems than it provides solutions?

I mean, “Ignorance is bliss”? Really?

I’m dumbfounded at how the most educated people can be the most ignorant.

Blinders are amazing things.

Especially those of our own making.

I tell people there are two things I abhor; ignorance and incompetence.

But there’s a caveat attached. To me, ignorance is when someone refuses to learn something. Incompetence is when someone refuses to do something (or attempt it).

I’ve got no problem with someone studying something and not getting it. I don’t consider them ignorant, actually quite intelligent. It takes a lot of intelligence to know when something’s not working for you. You may still want to play at it, and that’s great, too. You may figure out why it wasn’t happening and make it work.

Ditto someone not being able to do something. I put a lot of work into my writing. People ask me how I got so good. Easy, I worked at it. Others may love to write and know they’re not good at it.

Well, first thing is, they’re better at it than the person who refuses to give it a try.

The people who refuse to try are the ones I shake my head at, walk away from. Afraid you won’t be any good? Get over it. You won’t be when you start. That’s why you practice. But refuse to do it, period? Someone puts a gun to your head, I hope you come up with something better than “I won’t be any good at it” because your options are “I’m not good at it” and “I’m dead.”

Ches didn’t mind our ignorance. Ches was happy to educate us. We were grateful to be educated.

And of course, we shared peanuts once our confusion – caused by our own ignorance – was alleviated.


More Heathcliff, the Pileated Woodpecker

I introduced Heathcliff, the Pileated Woodpecker last week. This week, different camera in hand, I offer more of that glorious bird.

As we’ve become more acquainted, Heathcliff has allowed us to call him “Captain Pill.”

You have to pay attention to learn their names.

Have to learn their language. Then there’s that whole translation thing.

Kind of Enigma and Japanese Code and Navajo CodeTalkers all rolled into one, that.

But no matter.



Heathcliff, the Pileated Woodpecker

About fifteen, twenty years ago I told Susan I heard a new bird in our area. I didn’t hear it often, maybe twice in as many months, but its call was so different from what I was familiar with it stood out.

Nobody else heard it.

I attempted an imitation.

Didn’t go over well.

The call grew more frequent. Also more obvious. Others heard it, not as often as I but few spend as much time in the wood as I unless they’re born to it or work it.

Some said it was this bird or that bird. I knew different.

Then one day the call became obvious to all. I did my thing, tuning my ears (like focusing your eyes on something) and sure enough, there was a new bird in our area.

Pileated woodpeckers are an invasive species where I live.

“Invasive species” mean they weren’t here before.

Kind of like Europeans on Turtle Island.

Or man crossing Beringia.

Or hominids out of Africa.

Invasive Species. Kind’a depends on who was there first, doesn’t it?