Steve Evans – Of Internet Trolls and Strange Young Worlds

Who needs TV when you can kill internet trolls?

Dashing, Roguish International Bon Vivant, Internet Troll Hunter and Young World Purveyor Steve EvansHello all and welcome to our continuing series of author interviews. Today’s guest is the dashing, roguish, international bon vivant, internet troll hunter and young world purveyor Steve Evans, a man of many talents and at least two aliases.

And with an intro like that, you gotta stand up and applaud.


My earliest memory of having any kind of gift for writing is from the sixth grade

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My Dinner with Opie

Ah, dining under the stars with The Old Ones

We continue our parade of The Old Ones. Bill and The Girls continue their daily visits. They usually wake us about 7-7:30AM if we aren’t awake by then, clucking and clacking in the backyard, promenading to and fro, letting us know there’s no seed available.

The Flock

They’ve taught us well.

But this post is about my dinner with Opie (extra points to anyone who knows the homage) and more correctly, a gathering of The Old Ones for dinner.
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Lily Iona MacKenzie’s Book Marketing 101

Author/Educator Lily Iona MacKenzie on Reviews, Goodreads, Readings and Radio Stations

Lily Iona MacKenzieMulti-talented author Lily Iona MacKenzie’s taking our Author Interview Plunge on Wednesday, 9 May 2018.

Lily’s also a font of knowledge on book marketing (she even teaches it at the university level as part of her creative writing offering!) and, when she shared some of her knowledge while recording our interview, I asked if she’d be willing to share some of her insights with us.

The message here? Take the time to do your homework…

Generous (she really is) as ever, she sent me the following. It’s a worthy and fun read. You can also find, follow, befriend and read Lily on:

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Joseph Carrabis – It’s Autobiography…I swear!

Quite the Life (and all in Times New Roman 10pt!)

Regency and SciFi Author Wendy Van CampHello all and welcome to our first February Author Interview Plunge. Today we’ll be talking with…umm…me! I finally get my go at this with Jennifer “The Editress” Day at the helm! Feel free to give me (and Jennifer) a big round of applause for taking part in our exciting adventure.

I’m boring and dull


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Gable Smiled

I’ve shared Gable Smiled with a few folks, on Facebook and in a few workshops. Here’s an excerpt to go along with my interview. Enjoy, and do let me know what you think.

Note: an updated version is available to sponsors.

Valen patted Gable’s muscular neck as they trotted into Lensterville. They’d been ten days out, mostly soldiering Sipio’s vast northern plain and this time of year that meant heat with a capital “H”. Valen could feel his own sweat trickling through the hairs on his chest and back and every time his Ranger issue travel cords relaxed around him, his scent rose like steam washing his face.

Not pleasant.

Not so Gable’s smell, though. Gable was a Callisto class ModEquid, part horse part…something. Valen was never sure what and Gable liked to keep him guessing. Mostly horse on the outside, Gable’s sweat was the sweet musk of heavy horse, working horse, a gentle giant unless riled and it took a lot to rile him. There was a tang of trail dirt and rich plains tallgrasses and lathering brow and flanks that Valen thought wonderful, comforting, reassuring, and it made him proud that Gable had taken so to him.

“Let me know when,” he said to the horse.

Gable smiled back, Any time you’re ready.
Continue reading “Gable Smiled”