My Sister Got Me Started

Some fires can’t be extinguished

My sister, Sandra, got me started writing. You can get a little of that story in Mission of the Heart. Here’s the story behind the story.

Sandra had to read a book for an English class assignment. I don’t know if she was required to read a science-fiction book or not, and the book she chose was James Blish’s Mission to the Heart Stars.

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Mission of the Heart

My sister’s awe put a fire to my imagination

Yesterday afternoon I achieved a goal I gave myself when I was in grade school.

My sister shared a story then and, in her telling, I, as a child, was so overwhelmed by her sense of awe, of excitement, of wonder, of possibility and imagination that I decided one day I would return her sharing, to give back that sense of joy and wonder, to fire those feelings of awe and excitement and experience that imagination again.
Continue reading “Mission of the Heart”

Joseph Carrabis – It’s Autobiography…I swear!

Quite the Life (and all in Times New Roman 10pt!)

Regency and SciFi Author Wendy Van CampHello all and welcome to our first February Author Interview Plunge. Today we’ll be talking with…umm…me! I finally get my go at this with Jennifer “The Editress” Day at the helm! Feel free to give me (and Jennifer) a big round of applause for taking part in our exciting adventure.

I’m boring and dull


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So I gave myself an exercise (eating my own dogfood)…

…and it was oh so good!

You see a lot, doctor. But can you point that high-powered perception at yourself? What about it? Why don’t you – why don’t you look at yourself and write down what you see? Or maybe you’re afraid to…
– Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs

If you’ve read Writers’ Groups – Introduction, Writers’ Groups – Critiques and Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick Makers then you know I’m on a quest.

To find a critique group that does critiques as I do them.
Continue reading “So I gave myself an exercise (eating my own dogfood)…”