I did a slightly different type of interview with retired school teacher and prolific romantic action adventure (with a sci-fi/ fantasy twist) and mystery author Carol Ann Kauffman a while back.
I offer slightly different as the questions weren’t ones I normally get: favorite food, favorite artwork, perfect evening. There were the usual questions, too, and it’s my responses to the off-axis questions that amuse me (we did the interview a while back).
Responses to the common questions have changed since we did the interview. The Augmented Man was indie published in Jul 2019 and is available at most book sellers. I’ve completed the rewrite and editing of the new draft of Empty Sky and am sending it out to agents and publishers (there’s a standing offer, by the way; anybody who buys a copy and writes a review will receive an autographed copy when the new version is released. Go for it. Buy a copy, write a review. I dare you).
And the interview has one of my favorite photos of Susan (wife, partner, Princess) and me.
Please give Carol Ann Kauffman’s Interview with Author Joseph Carrabis (that’s me!) a read and let us know what you think.