A.F. Stewart, aka @Scribe77, did me.
Interviewed me, I mean.

We talked about
- The differences between writing short stories and novels (not much from a crafting standpoint, me thinks)
- Creating sympathetic villains (even the worst person has one humanizing detail)
- Genre writing (I don’t believe I write in a genre. My regular readers tell me my genre is “Joseph”)
- My incredible anthology, Tales Told ‘Round Celestial Campfires
- Being able to do amazing things with words when you’re an author
- The link between Satan and Hamilton Burger
- Getting kudos from your readers
- Ritchie and Phyl, my incredible work in progress
- How writing Flash fiction is like building a ship in a bottle
- Great Opening Lines
- My incredible scifi/military/thriller, The Augmented Man
- Writing about characters rather than genre (the story comes first, the genre comes second)
- Empty Sky and my standing offer; read the book, leave a review, and I’ll send you an autographed copy of the rewrite when it’s published.
- Children growing up
- Stories that grew out of my anthropology studies – Mani He and The Goatmen of Aguirra
- Getting kudos from editors and publishers
- Writing almost fantastic fantasies (okay, the story’s fantastic. It uses almost fantasy elements – The Weight)
So, yeah, we covered a few things.