The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 5 (Brand new! Again!)

Yeah. Well. So.

As I wrote in The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 6 (Brand new!), The Alibi continues to grow and get restructured. I mentioned in that previous post – Surprise! – Quite a bit got added and edited in June. The throughlines are pretty well established, individual character plotlines are merging.

Surprise!2, more changes occurred since last week.

What, you blinked?

Originally a continuous storyline, then it grew to three, then four, five, and now we’re at seven. I’m hoping it quits at seven.

This chapter is one of the ones added while you were busy reading The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 6 (Brand new!).

The Alibi – Chapter 5

BPD Patrolwoman Irene Casey walked north on the North End’s Commercial Street and cut over into Langonne Park. She had nothing against night shift – the Boston skyline from the waterfront always took her breath away – and she liked the fact that the North End, despite mia familia stereotyping, was one of Boston’s quieter nighttime neighborhoods.

Besides, her powerlifter frame didn’t make her a pushover and she kept up with the latest hand-to-hand trainings.

An ex-boyfriend called her “short and mighty” and she liked that. He didn’t like the fact she could do one-hundred sets of Fenway stadium stairs and he coudln’t do five, or the fact that when he went down on her and she came her thighs damn near crushed his skull like an overripe melon.

“Oh, well. His loss.”

A beat, puce green Ford Aerostar van drove along the waterfront walkway towards Puopulo Playground, the only note of its passing the rattle of its muffler and squeak of its springs. “Yep, some other drunk didn’t know the difference between a street and a public walkway.”

Just out of sight, the Aerostar’s horn blared, its tires screeched, a door slammed, and a man starting screaming.

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