Metrics? We don’t need no stinkin’ metrics! (pt 3)

Social Equations

This is the third post in a thread on author marketing metrics, specifically regarding some fascinating advice I got through a Facebook group (that spawned these posts). Part 1 provided a cantankerous but realistic intro to the subject of author marketing metrics. Part 2 started an analysis of the advice along with a few suggestions re selecting keywords on Twitter and Amazon and closed asking how one demonstrates their story-telling and -crafting ability in a tweet.

Here we continue the analysis.

Try to post at different times and different days during the week. – Hmm… a lot of marketing is repetition. The more people encounter your marketing material the more likely they are to respond to it. Much of that repetition involves always having your material in the same place at the same time. People see it often enough in the same place at the same time they know where and when to look for it when they’re ready to act.

And much of repetition is touching the prospect out of sequence. We’re now in the realm of marketing psychology. The general rule is you need to touch someone a minimum of five times before they’ll act (I’ve also heard 7-10 times before they’ll act). Let’s go with “The more you touch the prospect, the more likely they are to act.” To that point, marketing is like voting in Chicago; do it early and often. Be the first thing someone sees, the last thing someone sees, and make sure they see it in between often.

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