“Steam” now on James Gunn’s AdAstra

Some stories take arduous paths to publication.

Seems to be a pattern with mine.

Steam came about because I took part in a steampunk con and learned most of the books were “Tour of Wonders” stories – the author worked harder to share interesting technology than they did to develop interesting characters. In some cases it seemed the characters’ presence in the story served as talking heads to explain the technology rather than have some experience in which the technology played a part.

“…interesting characters in interesting situations doing interesting things…”

Not my kind of story. Show me interesting characters in interesting situations doing interesting things and I’m hooked. Anything else and I’m not going to go much beyond the first page (if that far).

You can read Steam‘s full story at Steam here on this blog.

Or you can get to the published story on James Gunn’s AdAstra’s Steam.


The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 12 – Ed Voss and Tony Morelli at AirCon


The Alibi – Chapter 12

Tony Morelli reached over the center console to the Impala’s glove compartment.

Ed Voss’ booted feet snapped against the car’s floorboards as he pushed himself back into the passenger seat. “Brake!”

Morelli’s eyes returned to the road. A pudgy-faced, middle-aged, overweight man, long black hair, wraparound Ray-bans and needing a shave stood in front of the Impala in a jogging suit with his mobile up in front of him, his eyes on the mobile’s screen.

Morelli stopped and honked his horn.

The man spread his feet into a power stance but otherwise didn’t move.

Voss opened the glovebox. “What do you need?”

Morelli reached into his pocket, pulled out a badge, lowered his window, and called to an idle patrolman watching the crowd. “Officer? A little assistance, please?”

The man stood his ground as the officer approached.

Voss nodded at the man holding the mobile. “Must be the government plates.”

Morelli held his shield up for the officer. “Mind removing that gentleman from our path and telling the rest of the BPD we’re coming through?” The officer looked at the man, still videoing, and shook his head as he shuffled towards him.

Morelli watched. “There’s a Federal ID in a plastic sheet in there. Mind handing it over?”

Voss glanced at it. Official looking badges and banners stood over legal looking words giving Morelli, the car, and anybody with him access and safe passage to anything they wanted. “Can I get one of these?”

Morelli chuckled as he placed it on his dashboard where everyone could see it. “You wouldn’t want one.”

The officer and the fat man got into a shoving match with the fat man working hard to keep his mobile on Morelli’s car and its occupants. The officer pushed hard and knocked the fat man back. The fat man reached behind him and pulled out a small handgun.

Morelli yelled, “Gun!”

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Previous entries in The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery)

I’m on Meet the Author podcast with Rob and Joan Carter

I enjoy talking with people. Gives me a chance to learn from those who’ve had experiences vastly different from mine.

And considering the experiences I’ve had, that’s quite the plethora of folks.

Case in point, my Meet the Author podcast with Rob and Joan Carter.

Below you’ll find the podcast itself. You can watch a vodcast on YouTube. I’ll also be posting snippets over the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, listen in:


“The Walking Meditation” now on BizCatalyst360

I previously offered The Solitaire Meditation on BizCatalyst360 and this week my The Walking Meditation, the next in a series on making one’s life and others’ lives better, is shared

In this case, a short piece about appreciating paying attention to the obvious and learning by doing so.


Terry @FromGreenhills Melia and Steve @SteveFM Evans Interview Snippet 4 – Assertiveness

Terry Melia, Steve Evans, and I had some good laughs while taping Spotlight on Joseph Carrabis and his latest book ‘That Think You Do’ Writer, Mentor, Scientist.

I’ve offered snippets of that broadcast over the past few weeks continuing with today’s Assertiveness.



Previous Entries in this Series: