The Beast at Bay
Beast threw back his head, bared his fangs at the encircling elves, and howled with rage. There would be no plunder this day. No spoils from the city whose walls gleamed, tauntingly, from across the river, gilded by the evening sunlight.
The above is from Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 8 (the famous “No Dragons” issue). You can read the rest of Adrian Bagley’s The Beast at Bay along with several other amazing stories between its captivating covers (and we both hope you do!)
Have you been Harveyed?
The kind, wise, and wonderful folks at Sixth Element Publishing included four of my flash pieces in Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 8 and I’m repaying that kindness by showcasing the opening from each author’s work for the next few weeks.
Next up, a taste of Alex Minns’s Sides of the Mirror.
16 thoughts on “15 Days of Harveys Day 1 – Adrian Bagley’s “The Beast at Bay””