Kuchisake-onna On Teesside
They often say that there’s no place like home. I would often agree to this, except for the times where the job makes me want to wish I was somewhere else. The case of the Kuchisake-onna is one of those times.
The above is from Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 8 (the famous “No Dragons” issue). You can read the rest of Peter James Martin’s Kuchisake-onna On Teesside along with several other amazing stories between its captivating covers (and we both hope you do!)
Follow Peter James Martin on Twitter.
Have you been Harveyed?
The kind, wise, and wonderful folks at Sixth Element Publishing included four of my flash pieces in Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 8 and I’m repaying that kindness by showcasing the opening from each author’s work for the last few weeks.
- Day 1’s Adrian Bagley’s “The Beast at Bay”.
- Day 2’s Alex Minns’s “Sides of the Mirror”
- Day 3’s Alexandrina Brant’s “Cartography, Creatures, & Craquelin (A Melina Short)”
- Day 4’s Bruce Connelly’s “Hare Today, Gone…?”
- Day 5’s Christine King’s “The Child, The Witch, and The Werewolf”
- Day 6’s Crysta Coburn’s “Smoke”
- Day 7’s Davia Sack’s “The Curse of Beauty”
- Day 8’s Muriel “iPad” Blytheman’s “Ye Olde Ship Inn”
- Day 9’s Jack Pentire’s “Time will say Nothing”
- Day 10’s Me! Four Flash Pieces
- Day 11’s Kate Baucherel’s “Firebird”
- Day 12’s Liz Tuckwell’s “Some People Smell Roses”
- Day 13’s Mark Hayes’s “Mandrake”
- Day 14’s Melissa Wuidart Phillips’s “The Rainbow Has Many Colours”