15 Days of Harveys Day 9 – Jack Pentire’s “Time will say Nothing”

Time will say Nothing

by Jack Pentire

They dragged her in through the door from the bright sunlit square outside the courtroom. She was small and stick thin, and she looked almost delicate, held as she was between the two burly jailors, They hauled her backwards as the custom was, so that she could not make eye contact with her accusers. The two men paced themselves just fast enough to prevent her from keeping up, and her heels dragged, creating two shallow tracks in the dust. The building was old and high vaulted with a hammer-beam roof that dated from the days of the tithe barn system when the local church had had greater influence over village life.

The above is from Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 8 (the famous “No Dragons” issue). You can read the rest of Jack Pentire’s Time will say Nothing along with several other amazing stories between its captivating covers (and we both hope you do!)

Have you been Harveyed?

The kind, wise, and wonderful folks at Sixth Element Publishing included four of my flash pieces in Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 8 and I’m repaying that kindness by showcasing the opening from each author’s work for the next few weeks.


Next up, a taste of four flash pieces from me!
